Sunday, 27 November 2011

Biology #3

For the last part of the biology unit, I'm putting in questions from the unit review.

3. a) this biome has a permafrost, a short growing season, and no trees: tundra

   f) the main vegetation in the biome is coniferous trees: boreal forest

7. Identify each of the following biotic interactions
a) An ant species feeds on the sweet tasting chemicals produced by a caterpillar species. The ants vigorously protect the caterpillars and carry them to their nests at night for safety. This is an example of mutualism.
c) A whip worm lives in the large intestine of a dog and causes the dog to lose mass. This is an example of parasitism
d) A salamander uses it's sticky tongue to capture an insect. This is an example of predation.
9. Using an example of each, compare and contrast the diets of detrivores omnivores, and herbivores.
Detrivores, such as worms, only eat dead organic matter eating at every trophic level. Omnivores, such as bears, eat both plants and meat. Herbivores, such as deer, only eat plants.

14. How do persistent organic pollutants such as DDT affect organisms?
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have a long half-life and bioaccumulate in plants, then in fatty tissues of animals. They can also wash into streams and lakes, affecting the aquatic food chain. DDT can cause nervous system, immune system, and reproductive disorders.
16. Describe the harmful effects on humans of bioaccumulations of the following:
a) Lead: lead can cause anemia, nervous system damage, low fertility rates, impaired mental development, and kidney failure.
b) Cadmium: cadmium can cause infertility and damage to the central nervous system, immune system, and DNA
c) Mercury: mercury can cause damage to the nerve cells, the heart, the kidneys, the lungs, and suppresses the immune system.
18. List two abiotic factor the influence ecological succession.
Soil, and water
19. Explain how primary succession differs from secondary succession.
Primary succession occurs on an area where no living things are, where there's bare rock. Secondary succession occurs where there once was living things.

These questions show my understanding from all three chapters of the biology unit.

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